Posts tagged with: intermediate level

Controlling WordPress Post Revisions

If you’re familiar with wiki software such as MediaWiki or DokuWiki, you’re probably aware that most wiki software keeps a copy of every single revision made to a wiki article. If you’re not familiar with that feature, go to any random article on Wikipedia (which runs on MediaWiki), and click on the “View History” tab …read more…

S3cmd on Ubuntu with DreamObjects


I use DreamObjects a lot: as low-cost online storage, as a CDN for large files (especially podcasts and image files), as a CDN for files I want to have access to from a lot of different locations, and as a place to store WordPress backups (using Ipstenu’s fantastic DreamObjects Backups plugin). The price is great …read more…

Installing Get Simple CMS via the Command Line

If you’re patient, installing software on your website via FTP isn’t a bad way to go, although it takes forever and depending on the quality of your internet connection, you may have connectivity issues causing the entire thing to hang. (Although I’ve installed some pretty big packages via FTP at McDonald’s of all place—my local …read more…