Monthly Archive for June 2015

Subversion on Windows: A TortoiseSVN Workflow

Although I like Macs and I love Ubuntu, I spend most of my time in a Windows environment, because most of the people I work with use Windows. I need to see what they see and see it how they see it. So, Windows it is. Windows is not a bad place to do web …read more…

Message Blocks WordPress Plugin

I have just submitted a new plugin to the WordPress plugin repository. It allows you to quickly and easily add message blocks to highlight important information for your readers. It does so by way of two drop-down menus in the TinyMCE toolbar: Since the best way to see how this works is to see the …read more…

Print Folder Contents in Windows

One of the things I enjoyed about the Macintosh OS was that you could print the contents of a folder.* This was handy when I was editing a series of images or uploading files to a web site. Unfortunately, Windows doesn’t have an obvious way of doing this. However, you can do it easily via …read more…