Posts tagged with: advanced level

Make WordPress Post Formats All They Can Be

There is a movement afoot to remove post formats from the WordPress core. As Morten Rand-Hendriksen writes in this Trac ticket, it appears the feature has largely been left to pasture and implementation across themes is at best spotty and inconsistent. In other words, because so few themes use them, we should get ride of them. …read more…

WordPress Settings API Cheat Sheet

It took me longer than it should have to figure out the WordPress Settings API, largely because there are certain parameter names that must match if things are to work properly. However, after making good use of the Google and studying the WordPress Codex extensively, I finally figured it out. Two really helpful tutorials were: …read more…

Subversion on Windows: A TortoiseSVN Workflow

Although I like Macs and I love Ubuntu, I spend most of my time in a Windows environment, because most of the people I work with use Windows. I need to see what they see and see it how they see it. So, Windows it is. Windows is not a bad place to do web …read more…

Create WordPress Shortcodes

In my earlier post about template parameters in MediaWiki, I lamented that WordPress doesn’t have a similar mechanism. Actually it sort of does: it has shortcodes. Shortcodes pretty much do what a MediaWiki template does, in that they allow you to easily add content to a post or page. You can even pass variables, which …read more…